Monday 8 January 2007

My Saturday (Again)

I can’t believe my long written blog about my Saturday just vanished into cyber space. Who am I to blame? Is it the cyber world or the earthquake in Taiwan? I guess I’ll just have to blame myself for having over confidence on this unreliable system. So here I am rewriting everything. Hopefully it is as good as or better than the previous post.

So it’s Saturday and everyone is asleep but I’m stuck at work. It’s already sad enough that we don’t get paid anything to work but I guess some things just never change! Work is Work and whether you like it or not you just got to DO! So I worked my ass off till about 4.00pm. At 4.15 my dad picked me up and we drove to Banting for my niece’s 21st Birthday function. I’m 28 this year and I have a big niece!!! Gee it didn’t strike me in the beginning but it does now. Well anyway Karen is my cousin’s daughter. The whole thing is just so cute. I have other nieces and nephews. The cutest part of it all is that all of them call me either Chitti (mother’s sister) or Athai (father’s sister). A part of me becomes old at that point of time but I did not mind one bit because I feel like I’m respected and love. I know it all sounds too weird but I guess it’s just a nice fuzzy feeling I have. The food was great, the music and the people were all just great. My cousin really did pull up a great gathering for his daughter I would say. I will admit there were many cute guys… but sad no one my age!! All thambis (younger brothers) la… Cheh!! Sad Sad… hehehe Anyway that’s what cuci mata is all about right?

Overall I will say that my niece who is taller than me looked great with her black gown. She looked really pretty! I have a picture of me and her. For now it will be on my friendster account since blogging picture’s here is a little too complicated for me. Anyway I shall try my level best. It was good to see my other cousin’s boyfriend attending family functions. I guess Sandy is now officially announced to be a part of the family since my aunty and uncle have officially announced that Sandy will be the future son in law! I’m so happy for them both. It’s cute that I learnt a secret about Sandy from my cousin. It seems he snores a lot. Hehehe I told them I’ll get them a muffler as a wedding present. He was annoyed but in a rather cute way.

Next week Saturday I’ll be in Klang for the 100th year celebration of St.Barnabas church. What happens then will be another blog.

I got home at 10.30pm on Saturday. It was a nice great outing with my cousins and loved ones. Can’t wait for next week’s gathering!

Cheers all…

Friday 5 January 2007

I asked a good friend how did he start his New Year's and he replied "With my loved ones". When paused the same question back I told him I got drunk. He then replied, "good la, this is how you are going to spend your 2007... being drunk 3/4 of the year". I was so pist mad with him. Thankfully it was a phone conversation and not a life one or I'd sure to have kick his butt.

When I got home I started thinking about what he said and I realized I'm NOT going to be drunk 3/4 of the year but I'm going to be in church 3/4 of the year because I started my New Year not being drunk but more of being in Church!. Gosh..... me being an angel!? I'm sure many toes are laughing at this moment! If only they knew me! Hehehehehehe

Love you all....

and G, I'm no DRUNK! :)

Monday 1 January 2007

History Created by Friends for 2007

HAPPIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Wow so fast 2006 passed. I just got back today at 4.00am. Church took that long this year. The whole service was funny. We have a new priest and things were different. I managed to catch the fire crackers high in the air from the back balcony of the church. I would say it was all good. To my surprise even my praise and worship leading was a success. Big HIT! What a blessing to start the New Year in church.

Well I got up at almost 9.00am and saw a message from my friend Suresh asking me what time we (Anita, Suresh and Me) are meeting? Immediately I called him to tell him I just got up and he was surprised because he was already all set to meet. Anyway managed to tell my mother I’m leaving early and so I took the 11am train. Suresh was waiting for me and Anita in Midvalley. He managed to book the tickets for the movie “A night at the Museum”.

So it was 12pm when Anita met Suresh and me at the food court. I had watermelon juicy. Yummy! Now we had a situation. It was time for lunch. I’m known for being the queen of fast food or Indian food. I don’t eat anything else but fast food most of the time. There I sat being lectured by both of my good friends as to what type of person can I be, without even trying any other food like Spanish, Italian, Thai and etc. I’ve been getting this nagging since 2006 and thought yeah why not I just shut my mouth and thoughts by agreeing to have Thai food. So we went to this Thai restaurant in Midvalley. It was good. Though I’ll admit the Tom Yam was too spicy for me. But it was alright.

After lunch it was time for the movie. The movie was hilarious. I’d say this movie is definitely something you got to watch! Before the movie started I just whispered towards Suresh saying, “thank you for lunch” and he replied “you’re most welcome”. That was my candid moment of one to one with Suresh, not forgetting the things I went through to keep this guy from sleeping in the theatre.

Okay now comes the biggest History in my entire life. I’m not bragging here or anything like that but this is the truth. I’ve never had wine nor drank beer or any alcohol in my whole entire life. After the movies, we took a drive to Sri Hartamas and ended up in Finnegan’s. I can’t believe myself that I, a person who has not touched alcohol before in her entire life had 3 glasses of white wine! I remember feeling very sleepy while in my second glass. My head just dropped down towards the table while Suresh was trying to keep me awake.

I drove home and reached home by 9.00pm. Thought of heading straight to bed but thought I should blog first. My father is already giving me that look that he smells something fishy with me. Anyway time to sleep. My friends are right; they have indeed created history in my life. Wonder if I can ever trust them again……………………………………. But they both still are angels to my heart!

Love you guys!