Monday 26 March 2007

Maxis Call Center

If you’re using the Hotlink service then you’d know what I mean with this blog. Anyway just an overview and don’t think that I’m publicizing for Hotlink. So Hotlink works these days with merit points. If you top up RM10 then you’ll have 20 points and if it’s RM30, you’ll have 60 points. Basically I think the points are times two of what you reload into your account. For every 100 points you can either redeem RM1 talk time or 50 free sms to numbers within the same network. So 3 weeks ago I tried redeeming the points for 50 free sms. I was told that due to their system being upgraded my points will delay till after the 23rd. So yesterday was the 26th and I was loosing my patience that I decided to call Maxis call centre. So here is the conversation….

Man : Good evening, thank you for calling Maxis Call Centre. How may I help you this is X.
Me : Hi X I’m Y and I’m calling due to problems in the redemption of points.
X : Yes Ms. Y I’m sorry that our service is still upgrading and it would only revive in two weeks
Me : Two weeks!!!!?
X : Yes Ms Y. By the way are you Indian?
Me : Yes I am! Why I sound like a foreigner is it!? ( rather harshly I asked him).
X : Oh I’m an Indian too
Me : Oh well Vanakam( hi in tamil) then.

That guy actually spoke to me in tamil for a while and started being cute and naughty and flirty. I was not sure to be rude, nice or to laugh the whole thing. After he being really help X told me that there will be a customer evaluation form I need to reply as to his service. I told him I’m going to rate him 1 (poorest marking scheme). And then he said “ 5 la Miss”. And I quickly replied “5 means u owes me lunch” and he replied “NO PROBLEM”.

Anyway I rated him 5 because he was really sweet and helpful. Anyway I know for a sure he’s not going to call me and buy me lunch or anything. But it was worth a laugh towards end of it because the week had been truly stressful!