Wednesday 12 November 2008

A Lesson Well Learnt

I stayed out the last two days and that has taught me a lot about things. My overall summary would be, NEVER make myself too low or beg to get things and never trust anyone's words. MONEY is always the insight of true friendships and character testing. In blunt, never trust anyone. If anyone wants anything from you, let them do the search, let them do the run, let them do the beg,plead and cry. I shall bow no more. I shall hurt no more. I shall stop it all. It's time to change the wind and wheel. Some may be wondering what I'm blabbering about here but for some..... you should know what I mean................


darthvadai said...

i think i sang that song to you before

Anu said...

hmmm interesting lesson u learnt.

One Woman's Thoughts said...
